Daycare...I always said I was never going to do it. All the stigmas that are attached to daycare had me feeling sick just thinking about placing my child in such a place for 10-12 hours a day! And my suspicions actually partially came true when we did decide to place him in one a couple of weeks ago. I picked a daycare in Forney, where we live, for one huge reason - it had web cams. I thought any place that had web cams, where I could watch him throughout the day AND had a pretty darn good curriculum was a win-win situation.
I feel bad when I think about it now. I should have taken more time to look at the surrounding daycares. A red flag should have popped up when the director acted nervous and unsure of herself during our tour. All and all? The place was shady. On the "web cam", which was kind of a joke as the picture was horrible and you could barely tell the kids apart, I saw Aden standing around for most of the day. Lost. Being a new toddler in the class you would think the teacher would welcome him into the class and make sure he felt apart of the group. Didn't happen. Another thing? They didn't offer him water. At all. As everyone knows, he's a breastfed baby, still is. He doesn't like cows milk, never has, probably never will. He would come home thirsty beyond belief. It didn't take more than picking him up that last Friday and seeing he had dried snot on his face along with a bite make on his back and I didn't bring him back.
So, the search was on once again. This time I visited every place in Forney. Some were nice, others were scary, and we put down our Registration fee, to hold our spot, on a brand new private school that just opened 6 months ago. I was impressed with the "feel" of the center, it has homey and the kids seemed happy. I was also impressed with the owner and director, she listened to all of our concerns and made us feel very confident that Aden would be receiving the attention he deserves as well as being exposed to their awesome, "award winning," curriculum. And at the end of the day that's what I know he needs. A head start in school with a good curriculum, as well as the Socialization he'll receive from being around the other kids. It's pretty neat to think that the kids he'll being going to daycare (private school) with, are the same kids he'll be going to actual school with. That's why I'm so hell-bent on staying in Forney and giving Aden the stability he needs throughout his youth. I didn't have it in my later youth and that makes me realize just how important it is for Aden to have.
I've been mulling over the thought of another child. For months actually and I just can’t come up with a way to make it work right now. In three years...when I'm....30, James and I will re-visit the idea and make a final decision then. I'm still young and 30 isn't too late of an age to become a mother of two. I get frustrated with working full time and dealing with all the stress that comes along with having a toddler that sometimes I proclaim that I'm not having anymore children! But, the truth is- I'd like to have one more baby. I'd love to be a family of four. Just as long as we're able to live happily with that decision should we decide to have another. I don't want to make life impossible for us in the process. I'd rather have the freedom to do nice things with Aden than to struggle horribly should we have another and the timing isn't just right. So, to that end, the answer is: "We will see".
Being a family of three is just peachy for now!
P.S. I'm still at 112 and totally rockin steady at it. I still want to get to 105 here within the next 30 days. Every time I look in the mirror.. I'M LOVING IT!!! After two years of baby weight it's FINALLY coming off and I'm getting my former (kinda) body back.