I'm going to work hard to try and conform to that way of living. I mean, what does going around judging everyone really get you? An ulcer? Friendless? Old & Lonely? I read a quote last night that I really like "Do not fear death, but the un-lived life", it makes perfect sense to me. How can you truly enjoy life until you can accept the people around you, good or bad and always give them the benefit of a doubt? There's never a reason to hurt someones feelings or look down on them just because of the way they look, or something they may have said, or their reputation, no one is perfect. I want to teach Aden to love deeply and forgive quickly. To be like his daddy, whom just the other day while we were driving home saw a man trying to push his broken down car out of the street alone, while everyone else whipped around him my sweet husband stopped, put the flashers on and ran to help him push it up a hill and into the shopping center.
It's hard, like all of us, I've had people treat me badly for no good reason. For years I resented it, after all I was RIGHT. In the end it doesn't matter and I'd rather not go to my grave with a heavy heart or live another day being angry at them for treating me unjustly. I've forgiven these people, even when there was never an apology offered. I want to teach Aden to do that same. Hopefully it wont take him years to understand it like it did me. Maybe it'll come easily to him like it does to his daddy.
As Fathers Day approaches I'm so thankful to have such a good daddy for my son. Although I don't always sing my husbands praises, and sometimes we fight like mad, I love and appreciate his gentle and caring nature and hope he passes that to our son.
Well Said!
Great post! New Follower from FFF!
sounds like you have a keeper there.
Stopping by from Follow Me Friday.
Sounds like you have one in a million :o)
Found you using BHF! I hope you enjoy your Fathers day your Man... he sounds like a keeper!
BTW-- I love you name.. it is my middle name and I don't run across it very often!
Hi there.
Stopping by from Friday-Follow to say hello.
Thanks for playing.
Have a great day!
well put! It's hard to do, but worth it! :) New Follower from FF!
Follow me at http://collinscircus.blogspot.com/
Hey thanks for following my blog.... Now I get to follow you! ;) Your son is a cutie! Can't wait to get to know more of you and read your blog posts. ;)
Have a great Father's day weekend!
I am your new follower. You have a lovely blog. come and visit me at http://showmemama.blogspot.com
Brynn... I love this one. It's so personal, it's lovely. James sounds like such a nice person! Guess I shouldn't have just assumed he was an ass just because he said we were butt buddies hahahahaha!! But seriously. I wonder who has been judging you lately? You can tell me, and I will punch em in the mouth. Over the internet. lol.
That is so nice that you are praising your husband like that! It is a blessing to have such a great partner in life. I am here from Friday Follow! You have a new follower! Come and visit Mama's Little Chick.
Mama Hen
following you back!
Saw you on Meetup Monday. These are definitely great lessons to teach your little one. It's not always popular to forgive quickly, especially if an apology isn't given. I also really like your quote about fearing death versus fearing the un-lived life. Hope you had a great Father's Day weekend with your family!
Hi Brynne, I'm your follower too! I love looking at the pics of your little guy. Reminds me of when mine were small. This is a fantastic post, something we should all strive to do. Your husband sounds like a wonderful guy!
Finally following you back from FF! =)
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