Let me stop right here and explain myself, I don't hate my body. My body has carried and given birth to a nearly 10 lb BEAUTIFUL baby boy and I'm proud of it. I also realize my stomach may never look the same. But, who's to expect the stomach of a 16 year old, when you're pushing 27? I don't. But, I do want to feel confident in my own skin, in a two piece bikini. And since I've been "dieting" and exercising I feel WONDERFUL. You cant understand what certain foods do to your body and how they make you feel physically until you stop eating them.
In the last 3 years I've come a long way. I may have been a smokin 105 three years ago, but I also ate like crap and smoked like a chimney. I'm proud of being smoke free for almost three years. There's a point where I never thought I'd say those words. I don't judge people for smoking, I know just what kind of hold it has on people. It had on me. I'm just saying it can be done! I have my main motivation sitting at Grandma's right now. My sweet Aden. He's about to be two! He's talking up a STORM. It's still unreal to me and my heart hurts when I think about all the love he has brought into my life. Thank you baby boy, I love you more than the sun does shine and the moon does glow!
Back to the weight loss. It's happening. I'm down to 115 today. HOLLA!! This South Beach diet must be working. Or is it the Seabuckthorn juice that I've been taking going on three days? I'm not sure but I don't have to step on the scale to measure my weight loss. I can see it. My legs are slim, my face is thinner, my stomach is bordering on wanting to be flat. At this rate I'll totally make my deadline. Only down-side, I've lost a huge amount of fat off my ass. I always wanted a J-Lo booty, it just ain't in the cards for me yo. And that's okay too.
YAAAAAYAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOO HOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so jealous I could PUKE!!! and I might have to to get down to that weight!! LOLOLOL. And it is SUCH a good thing to lose weight off of an ass, unless your booty is flat underneath, which I am just sure yours isn't!! Hey btw, doing backwards lunges and squats could make your ass so muscular that it adds some lift and bulk to it!! So if your booty gets too small, try those!! LOVE YOU!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
I'll def. be doing some lunges! I dont have a flat ass, thank god, just getting rather small! lol! LOVE YOU!!!! Thanks for helping!!! I'm so happy and James has been telling me every day how "skinny" I'm looking. :-) I'd do my before and after pics on here, but I'm not sure if my ballz are that big. Maybe.
You'll be so proud of your after pics that you won't think twice before showing both, so that everyone can appreciate how far you've come. I wish you had a better "before" picture. Like, a fat one lol. I love my before pics because I took them at my serious max weight so it's sooo much fun to see what I've done!! Starting liquids on Wednesday as soon as Kurt gets back. :))))
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