Tuesday, June 15, 2010

14 teeth

that's how many teeth Aden has now! Yesterday he was pretty miserable with the last two poking their way through. Now, he should be DONE until his two year molars come through...which he got all his other teeth WAY sooner that he was supposed to I wouldn't doubt that those come through any day now.

Here's a good pic of hims teefers: The two on the bottom have now come through

On another note, I've been making a "budget" for us like crazy. Decided to sell both of the horses until we pay off some debt. I'd like to be debt free in two - three years (not included the mortgage) and that just wont do with two horses. You know those things eat like...well...HORSES. LOL But really the added expense in farrier, shots, worming, feed, hay...Not that we don't plan to buy horses again. I do, and I plan to rodeo as well. I hope Aden will too. In the mean time, after we sell both horses, I plan to take maybe a lesson a month..you  know to get my horse fix. It will be strange, taking lessons, after owning for the past four years. Anyway, back to the budget. I plan to spend money on NOTHING. Start clipping coupons, shopping @ second hand clothing stores, hair cuts @ the local beauty school, anything to pay off this debt. I want another baby in a few years and I'll be able to stay home for a year, if we pay off some things like credit cards, loans and our car payment. It'll be hard but I'm ready!


LA @The Reel Family said...

Oh my gawd seriously look at all those teeth! I am super impressed we have well 3 and they showed up this month. But 3 more are coming, I see the white just barely coming through. Best of Luck with the debt, we did it and it is an awesome weight removed. You can do it!!

anne maskell said...

Oh, your little guy is adorable!! Thanks for visiting me!

Anonymous said...

What a cute smile! Good luck on the paying off bills things. I'm so bad at couponing and not spending. I need to get better. In a hurry.

Brynn said...

Thanks everyone! I'm pretty new to this whole blogging thing and I'm really enjoying reading everyones blogs!

Megan Brown said...

You can do it Brynn!!!!! With all the things you juggle, clipping coupons shouldn't be hard for you :-)

Bird's Eye View Photography said...

Good for you! It is hard to give up things that you love for the better of your family... but in the long run I am sure that it will be worth it and you will be able to buy them again! Good Luck!

Brynn said...

@ kbreints Thank you so much! It's nice to hear someone understand why I need to give them up!

Amy said...

Look at those beautiful teeth! Thanks for following and leaving a comment from BHF. Following you back.