My poor lil man is sick...again! Grandma called me yesterday to let me know Aden was running a 100.4 fever, so I took off work to take him to the Doc. They did a swab for strep (thank god he didn't have that..AGAIN) and took a little blood sample, it's viral. So nothing to do but give him lots of love and hope it passes soon.
I'm tired of him being sick. Every time I take him to the doctor they ask me, is he in daycare? No, but he is with his three older cousins during the day, two of them school aged. I consider it a huge blessing that he is able to play with his cousins everyday. Most of the time anyway, wasn't to thrilled that Wyatt pushed Aden off the couch yesterday! Thank the heavens Aden didn't get hurt badly (hard wood floors = ouch). Boys will be boys, and he's gonna grow up tough, I don't think he has an option in the matter. We always say that's why he was born 10 lbs, he knew in the womb that he better come out a fighter to keep up with the Jacob boys (all of whom are very large for their ages over the 100 percentile)!
Hopefully this virus passes quickly and in time for Fathers day. We're thinking about a day at the pool, with the Jacob boys!
I've been procrastinating on Aden's 1st baby is going to be one is just a few short weeks. I've decided to throw the big 1st B-day party at our house, on the 4th of July, slip n slid for the kids, barbecue and fire works for everyone. That's another good thing about living in the country, we're able to pop fire works. I guess I better get started on all the plans..theme..Baby Einstein!
Oh, poor little man! I hope he feels better soon! Thanks for stopping in from the blog hop, arn't boys the best?!
Thanks for the follow on the Tuesday Blog Hop!
I hope your little guy feels better soon. It's hard when they are always sick because of someone else's germs. :)
And have fun planning his B-Day party - I can't wait till I get to do Bella's.
Maaaaan I thought you 100% breast feeding would make him never ever sick!! Poor fella!! I hate to hear that :-( On a bright note, his party sounds like it is going to be AWESOME!!!!!!
Funny you said that Megan, I almost wrote that yesterday! Guess my boobie juice isnt strong enough!! lol I know - gross
Boobie Juice. GROSS!!!!!!!! You said it!! BLEGGHH!!!! LOL
MAN I wish I was coming to hims burfday party!
I wish you were coming too!!!!
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